Issue 42 – Summer 2023
New Iyengar yoga teacher mentoring system * From ‘judgement to community’ – a new system of training and assessing teachers by Emma Rattenbury * It all began with a cup of tea by Frances Homewood * A huge responsibility and undertaking, but incredibly rewarding by Monica Bejarano Cortes * All in all, a much better system by Debbie Bartholomew * A great experience by Chris Walker * The journey has only just started by Ludek Knittl * The next logical step by Sarah Broadman * I’m loving the journey by Wendy Lobatto * The learning will never stop by Rachel Simpson Home practice * A short balancing practice by Monica Bejarano Cortes Yoga in our lives * A bit more Light on Yoga practice by Dominic Batten * Can yoga make a valuable contribution to climate change? by Helen Clay
By Pascale Vacher on Thursday, June 22nd, 2023