All about the group
The SADIY group was set up in 2001 to support Iyengar yoga in Sheffield and surrounding districts. It aims to bring together Iyengar Yoga practitioners in and around Sheffield, promote the benefits and therapeutic aspects of yoga and ensure people can learn yoga with well-trained and qualified Iyengar yoga teachers.
Becoming a Member of the SADIY Group
You do not have to be a member of SADIY to participate in the classes and events it supports. Anyone can attend, but SADIY members do get certain benefits.
As a SADIY member, you:
Membership runs from 1 April to 31 March and costs £21 per year (£10 for those on low income and those who are already affiliated to the IY(UK)).
Here is the 2024-25 membership form with all the details on how to join SADIY.
SADIY Committee Members
Allie Carr
Caroline Anschutz
Carolyn Usher
Dominic Batten
Emma Norminton
Emma Rattenbury
Frances Homewood
Helen Clay
Lorraine Bonete
Pascale Vacher
Peter Durkin
SADIY Library
About the SADIY Library
The SADIY library is located both in a cupboard in the middle room at the Sheffield Iyengar Yoga Centre and at the Zag Iyengar Yoga Studio. It consists of books, videos and DVDs, and journals – mostly the past editions of the SADIY newsletter/journal. The books include ancient and modern, classic and popular texts. Many of the videos and DVDs are the filmed yoga workshops and conventions led by the Iyengar family which have been held over the years throughout the world.
Users of these venues are welcome to browse but only members are able to borrow. We rely on an honour system for borrowing. The loan period for all items is 4 weeks and borrowers are asked to note down what they borrow in the loan book. They are then expected to return the item on the date specified so it will be available for others. If you are not a member of SADIY please join us – borrowing from the library is one of the membership benefits.
What’s available
A full list of the library collection can be downloaded here and found in the library cupboard at the Centre. This list will be updated regularly (last updated January 2020).
Please contact us via email ( with any suggestions for improvements or ideas. We also welcome donations – these could be books, videos, journals, magazines, publicity and information from other Iyengar yoga centres.
If you would like to become involved in the development of the library do get in touch with Emma Norminton or Caroline Anschutz.